Starry nights!

Once upon a time, I was staring at the dark sky consumed by my own thoughts, mesmerised by the darkness that was consuming me slowly. I get many thoughts when I am consumed by the dark starry night. Do you all think that starry night want to share something with us?

What I have learnt from my observations is that when we stare at the night sky we think of our dark side our demons that are hiding behind. We all hold a dark side that we don’t want other to see, we are all hiding something from others or maybe from ourselves. We think that maybe hiding things from ourself is the best solution because we are in constant fear of being judged by others, but it’s not okay through this we are escaping the reality we forget that who we are and what is our ultimate goal. Staring at the starry night we come is contact with our true self our real personality.

According to me, dark night symbolises tranquility, fears, emotions and true life in short it shows us a mirror which make us see where we are taking our life, who we really are and what we are hiding from ourselves. That’s why I asked in starting what dark night want to share with you.

When I see stars in the night sky, I think stars are my hope and aspirations that are shining in the dark sheet which encourage me to do what I want and who I want to be. Staring at stars make me want to shine amid others and make me embrace myself.

Dark starry nights are something that pull us towards ourself, they bring out best and worst part of us and throw light at us even in the dark. Don’t hide your dark side, atleast not from yourself just be gentle towards yourself and be proud of what you have.

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